Xfinity Games, a game streaming service created under the direction of Rich Hilleman, Electronic Arts’ Chief Creative Officer, gives users immediate access to a wide variety of games from their Xfinity Set Top Box to their mobile or tablet devices. Players control the games with unique, gesture-based controllers, built specifically for each title. Running on most mobile or tablet devices with a browser, Xfinity Games offer a fun, family-friendly experience with no downloads, no installs, low latency, and no unique hardware requirements.
My responsibilities were to create controller assets for EA’s famous titles such as Madden 16, FIFA 16, NHL 16, Monopoly, PopCap, and indie games. Each game presented its own challenges, as each had its own style guide. I had to ensure parity between console and STB by adhering closely to each individual game’s visual standards. I experimented with gestural-based actions for different users to cater to various audiences. I also considered multiple icons and typographies to promote easy user engagement.
For the web-based games catalog, I ensured that each game was clearly and accurately described. I included in-game assets such as screenshots and gameplay videos to encourage robust user engagement. I also collaborated with other designers, producers and engineers to create a meaningful and delightful overall experience for Xfinity Games subscribers.
To see some sketches or high level wireframes, click on the links:
• Xfinity Games Catalog - Created iconography for the Channels carousel. Maintained internal pages to improve user flow.
• Madden 16 - In addition to the coach glass mode, we created another version to encourage players to interact with the team. I created in-game assets as well as the controller using Madden's style guide.
• FIFA 16 - I designed the game controller using FIFA's style guide.
• NHL 16 - I created Match of the Week logo which features new teams selected weekly; also created in-game assets to indicate required action on the controller.
• Monopoly - worked on the existing controller UI to improve functionality for players to easily build houses/hotels on their existing properties.
• M.U.L.E - I designed controller using original artwork.